
Minerva Identifier: NCT03022487

Full Title

Multicentre Investigation of Novel Electrocardiogram Risk markers
in Ventricular Arrhythmia prediction – UK multicentre collaboration

Sponsor: University of Leicester

Funder: Heart Research UK

Ventricular Arrythmia
Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

Observational Research Study

This is a prospective open label single blinded multi-centre observational study involving a study group of patients already undergoing implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD)(including Cardiac resynchronisation therapy device (CRT-D)) implant. A standard 30-minute electrophysiological (EP) cardiac stimulation protocol will be performed at the end of the ICD implant at baseline. This EP test will be performed whilst measuring a 12-lead ECG and will be correlated with event rates to establish their effectiveness in predicting arrhythmia risk. The minimum follow up period should be 18 months and maximum of 3 years, which is how long the study is funded for. This study is not randomised as all study patients will be receiving the EP study performed at baseline. A minimum of 440 patients will be recruited to document event data at standard clinical ICD follow up intervals – equating to a maximum of 6 visits. Blinding will be maintained at the core lab were the ECG analysis will be performed by a nominated researcher who will not have details of patient health status.


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